Membership at Chabad Jewish Center means that you partner with us in bringing traditional Jewish values to hundreds of families in our areas.

A cornerstone of Chabad is that we welcome everyone and strive to provide a comfortable and meaningful place for everyone who comes. Chabad Center does not require membership to participate in any of our services. However, membership dues are what helps cover our operating budget.

We welcome you to join our membership family and enjoy being part of our wonderful community!

Membership and tickets are not required for High Holiday services. All are welcome!



Phone: 504.454.2910 Ÿ Rabbi’s Cell: 504.957.4986 E-mail: [email protected]

Personal Information
Family Name Home Phone
Home Address City, State, Zip
Your Details
First Name Hebrew Name
Choose One Father's Hebrew Name
Mother's Hebrew Name DOB (m/d/y)
Time of Day Work Phone
Cell Email
Spouse Details
First Name Hebrew Name
Choose One Father's Hebrew Name
Mother's Hebrew Name DOB (m/d/y)
Time of Day Work Phone
Cell Email
Marital Status
Married,Anniversary Never married  
Widowed, Date Divorced  
Name Hebrew DOB (M/D/Y)
Specify Day/Evening
M/F School
Yahrtzeits (Parents or Children)
Father's Hebrew Name Relationship Date & Time of Death
I would like information regarding the Yahrtzeit Memorial Board
Partnership Opportunities, 5785 (2024-25)
Primary Membership: $900 annually

Senior Membership: $400 annually

Associate Membership: $400 annually
  Associate Partner please indicate which synagogue
Gold Partnership: $1,800 annually
Diamond Partnership: $5,400 annually

No one will be turned away to any service or program of Chabad due to lack of funds.



Payment Authorization
I will send in a check/s to Chabad of Metairie. (4141 W Esplanade Ave. Metairie, LA 70002)
Please charge my credit card as per the instructions above
CC Type Card Number
Exp Date
Amt to Charge
Name and address  on card    
If monthly payment selected - please select which day of the month you'd like to be charged:

All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Please contact me about:

Legacy Gift

 Program dedication  Memorial Plaque


I am interested in participating in the following areas
 General Volunteering  Sunday Hebrew School  Women's Circle  Synagogue services
 Cooking for programs and Kiddushim  One on one learning  Holiday Celebrations  Adult Education
   Teen activities  Children Programs