
Minyan Schedule

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Minyan - Shabbat and Daily Services

Weekday Minyan Services at chabad metairie

Mincha & Maariv - Evening Services
Sunday - Thursday
15 minutes before sunset 
Click here to see Sunset/Candle lighting Times
Shacharit - Morning Service
Sunday morning 
8:00am followed by breakfast and Parsha class
Daily Morning Minyan
7am Monday-Thursday
Call 504-957-4986 for details


Chabad Uptown also has a daily Shacharit minyan at 7am (7037 Freret St) 

Shabbat Minyan Services

Friday Night
Mincha: 5 minutes after candle lighting
See- Candle-Lighting Times here...

Kabbalat Shabbat
 immediately following Mincha
Winter: 5:55pm
Shabbat Morning Prayers
9:45am at Chabad Metairie and 10am at Chabad Uptown
Shabbat Mincha
25 minutes before sunset  

If you need a minyan to say Kaddish, please call Rabbi Nemes at 504-957-4986 in advance.

Chabad Jewish Center is proud to host a Shul (Synagogue), which has a warm family atmosphere for people to daven / pray.

This is a place for anyone, regardless of level of observance, knowledge or background. One does not have to be religious, Orthodox, Conservative or Reform to join!

We have Hebrew English Siddurim (prayer books).

People who have "Yahrtzeit", anniversary of a loved one's passing, are always welcome to come and recite the Kaddish.

Juda Club

Where children learn and love their Judaism!

Adult Education

To Learn is to Live!

Visitor Info

Sample Teaser

Minyan Times

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